Support Networks

The Huia feather which forms our WAPA logo symbolises the mana and

leadership which brings together the values of

the Waitākere Area Principals' Association through

leadership, collective expertise, and care. 

Mental Health 

Leading a school can require an enormous amount of mental energy - stay healthy by checking in on your wellbeing and seeking support early on. 

First-Time Principals' Support Network

At WAPA, we are dedicated to supporting first-time principals across the region. Informal social activities are organised to provide a relaxed environment to provide a safe space to korero about what's on top. Contact for more information.
Following successful funding applications, WAPA are able to provide FTP's 1-1 support when needed.  Retired Principal Charmaine Munro is available to provide guidance, leadership support, or simply be a listening ear. Contact if you would like a visit. 

Attendance West - Te Ako Manaaki

Waitākere schools are supported by Attendance West. They are part of the Ministry of Education and governed by local Waitākere Principals. 

NZPF New Zealand Principals' Federation

Te Akatea Māori Principals Association 

New Zealand Pasifika Principals Association (NZPPA)

New Zealand Rural and Area Schools Leadership Association (NZRASLA)

New Zealand Association of Intermediate and Middle Schooling (NZAIMS)

Secondary Principals’ Association of New Zealand (SPANZ)

New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA)

Auckland Primary Principals' Association